An Interesting Christmas

Christmas is an interesting season.  
Spiritually, Christians approach Advent and Christmas remembering the first coming of Christ and looking forward to the second coming.  We remember the hope, joy, love, and peace he brings into a dark and weary world.  
And during Christmas that same world is in such a flurry of activity – decorating, presents, parties, feel-good activities, and so much more. 
Maybe all this flurry of activity is a bit much for you, but you sort of sigh and go on, doing what you need to do and enjoying what you can. 
Maybe you’ve had your Christmas shopping done and Christmas songs playing since September and you are eagerly looking forward to your best day of the year.   
Or maybe you are someone who is just trying to hold on and make it through to January 2nd.  Maybe you’ve lost someone special to you or a job or relationship change has really altered your life – and your expectations of Christmas.
Into this world – this amazing, weary, crazy, hurting, frazzled world – comes the words of Jesus:
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
That Light brightens up dark places of grief, hurt, disillusionment, sin, fear – and replaces it with hope.  
The ancient prophet Isaiah and the psalmist speak even to us today. 
The people walking in darkness
    have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of deep darkness
    a light has dawned. (Isa. 9:2)
The Lord is my light and my salvation—
    whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
    of whom shall I be afraid?  (Ps. 27:1)
Send me your light and your faithful care,
    let them lead me;
let them bring me to your holy mountain,
    to the place where you dwell.
 Then I will go to the altar of God,
    to God, my joy and my delight.
I will praise you with the lyre,

    O God, my God. (Ps. 43:3, 4)
God, you are the Light of the World and we need you.  We need the Immanuel – God with us – in all parts of our lives.  As we worship with thanksgiving and praise, renew us in your Spirit so we can worship you in Spirit and in Truth.  Amen.