[Please join me in praying for children, families, and our future on Thursdays.]

Today is the National Day of Prayer so, while prayer gatherings are held all over this nation, I pray the following over her children:

  1. That God’s Spirit will not depart from this nation or our families, and the words he has put in our mouths will be on the lips of us, our children, and their descendants forever.  (Isaiah 59:21) 
  2. That our citizens and our children will trust God’s Word to be a lamp for our feet and a light on our paths and that we will study diligently, apply our hearts to instruction, and listen to words of God’s wisdom and knowledge.  (Proverbs 23:12, 119:05)
  3. That we will train ourselves to distinguish good from evil as, by constant use, we eat spiritual food and that this spiritual maturity leads to sound judgment and discernment.  (Hebrews 5:14)
  4. That we will be very careful in how we live, not as foolish or unwise, but as wise, turning away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge. May we understand the Lord’s will and make the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.  (Ephesians 5:15-17, 1 Timothy 6:20)
  5. That we will be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer so that, as we yield to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit, we will abandon the cravings of our self lives and will set an example in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. (Galatians 5:16, 1 Timothy 4:12, Romans 12:2)
  6. That because the Lord is our refuge and the Most High our dwelling, no harm will overtake us and no disaster will come near our nation or her children.  (Psalm 91:9-10)
  7. That we citizens will not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds, because God has poured out his Spirit on all people and we will prophecy, dream dreams, and see visions. (Joel 2:28-29, Romans 12:2)
  8. That we would realize that our fear of the Lord is a sure foundation for these times.  God gives a rich store of salvation, wisdom and knowledge.  We will say of the Lord:  You are our refuge and fortress, our God in whom we trust.  (Psalm 91:2, Isaiah 33:6)
  9. That God will not withhold mercy from us, Lord, but that his love and faithfulness will always protect us, and that he will repay us for the years the locusts have eaten and we will have plenty. (Joel 2:25-26, Psalm 40:11)
  10. That through wisdom our days will be many and years will be added to our lives. We are and will be blessed – happy, fortunate, and enviable. (Proverbs 33:28, 9:11)
  11. That we will rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
  12. That we will choose life and blessings so we and our children and may live. That we will listen to God’s voice, and hold fast to God, the Lord of our lives. (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)