The character of God is a tower of strength,
for the lovers of God delight to run into his heart
and be exalted on high.
(Proverbs 18:10 TPT)
Now my beloved ones, I have saved these most important truths for last:
Be supernaturally infused with strength
through your life-union with the Lord Jesus.
Stand victorious with the force
of his explosive power flowing in and through you.
(Ephesians 6:10 TPT)
Do you feel like you are in a battle of some kind? Maybe not the live action military battles of World War II, Vietnam, or Afghanistan, but a physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual battle? Are you fighting against a pain, illness, or diagnosis? Are you fighting battles in your thoughts? Are there relationships in your life that seem to always be battles? Are your financial life or job situation places where you always feel at war? Are you tired of the fight, the war, the constant battle?
God knows. And he equips us to keep fighting, to endure, to keep moving forward in victory. Hear these words from an article about the hummingbird:
I sense the Lord saying: “Know I am with you in the battles of life. The battle is Mine and victory comes through Me. Don’t allow the devil to take advantage of you! I am placing a fighting spirit inside My Bride to not grow weary and quit, but to march forward with a banner of victory.” (See Deut. 20:4, Ex. 14:14, Gal. 6:9, Ex. 17:15.)
Hummingbirds may be small but they can become aggressive when the need arises. If you study them, you will notice they are never afraid. They attack any intruding bird that attempts to invade their space, no matter their size. Hummingbirds model outrageous courage for us—to be brave in battle. In the same way, we dare not let the enemy of our souls steal from us or invade our territory. Put on the full armor of God and declare His power and the Blood of Jesus over your situation. Remember, beloved, your battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the enemy and his cohorts. When battles do come, declare the victory, get into praise, and watch the power of God rescue you every time. – Steve Porter*
Strong God of Angel Armies,
Thank you for your armor, your strength, and the reality of your presence within and around us. Thank you for the equipment and encouragement we need to stay in the battle, to keep fighting, and to trust you for the outcome. Help us to endure and move forward in your victory, and to praise you in every moment, we ask in Jesus’s name, AMEN.
Put on God’s complete set of armor provided for us, so that you will be protected as you fight against the evil strategies of the accuser! Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage. Because of this, you must wear all the armor that God provides so you’re protected as you confront the slanderer, for you are destined for all things and will rise victorious. Put on truth as a belt to strengthen you to stand in triumph. Put on holiness as the protective armor that covers your heart. Stand on your feet alert, then you’ll always be ready to share the blessings of peace. In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield, for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the evil one! Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies. And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken word of God. (Ephesians 6:11-17 TPT)