So, what is “Mountain Movers?”  Simply put, a way to pray for and influence our society, our nation, and our world.   

If you took our culture – our society – and thought about the ways it is influenced, you would probably recognize these seven areas:  Arts and Entertainment, Business/Economy, Church, Education, Family, Government, and Media/Social Media.  Each of these has a different, but very definite impact upon our society.  In the 1970’s Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth with a Mission, and Frances Schaeffer, apologist, evangelist, and pastor, were all given messages from God that led them to believe that for the Church to fulfill our call to “go and make disciples,” (Matthew 28:18) we would have to influence and impact these seven areas of society.  Hence, the idea of “moving” the Mountains of Society.   

If “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people” (Proverbs 14:34 NIV), how is our society doing in each of these seven areas? How is our nation doing?  How is our state doing?  Your county?  Your city or township?   Do you see these geographic areas as being full of God’s righteousness or full of the sin of the world?  Do you see space for an increase in righteousness in these seven areas, even in your own community? I expect so.

This “Mountain Movers” website was birthed out of a combination of social media and blog posts and prayers I wrote and a women’s bible study I led in the winter of 2021. I am finishing writing a book of the same name, with the hope that it will help others pray for our nation. And I am currently writing a daily blog of devotions and prayers. (Click on that tab to sign up for an automatic email with the blog entry for each day.)

Why is it “Mountain Movers” dot ME?? Because you and I are called to help move the mountains of society toward God, through prayer and action. We must pray for these mountains from the spirit of God’s love within us. We must keep our hearts pure even as we fight for God’s Truth and righteousness. The Mountains can be overturned because God goes before us, overturns the mountains, and calls us to follow him in the work he is doing.  We can speak to the mountains and they will move when we pray for them from the spirit of God’s pure love and truth within us.