[Please join me in praying for children, families, and the future on Thursdays this year.] (This post adapted from “Five Powerful Prayers to Pray Over You Kids – From Head to Toe”*) Father, give my child pure thoughts. More specifically, as Your Word exhorts in Philippians 4:8-9, pursue their mindsContinue Reading

[Please join me in praying for our nation and world on Tuesdays this year. This post excerpted from a GiveHim15 post from September 8, 2023.] “Next to him was Shammah son of Agee the Hararite. When the Philistines banded together at a place where there was a field full ofContinue Reading

“For his anger lasts only a moment,    but his favor lasts a lifetime;weeping may stay for the night,    but rejoicing comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5 NIV) Would you join me in praying for those in our world who are in turmoil? GOD who is IN CONTROL who is all-knowingall-powerfulmysteriouspersonalparadoxJehovah Jireh, Our Provider… WeContinue Reading

[Please join me in praying for the Church on Sundays this year.] “…Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, andContinue Reading

“God wanted to end all doubt and confirm it even more forcefully to those who would inherit his promises. His purpose was unchangeable, so God added his vow to the promise. So it is impossible for God to lie for we know that his promise and his vow will neverContinue Reading

[Please join me in praying for children, families, and our future on Thursdays this year.] “Some find their strength in their weapons and wisdom, but my miracle-deliverance can never be won by men. Our boast is in Yahweh our God, who makes us strong and gives us victory! Our enemiesContinue Reading

“You who bring good news to Zion, go up on a high mountain. You who bring good news to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, ‘Here is your God!’” (Isaiah 40:9 NIV) A sweet friend who is an accomplished writer andContinue Reading

[Please join me in praying for our world on Tuesdays this year.] “Through the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed.” (Proverbs 11:11 NIV) Omnipotent God, Today we come to you grateful that we who dwell in your shelter can rest inContinue Reading

“So now, beloved ones, stand firm, stable, and enduring. Live your lives with an unshakable confidence. We know that we prosper and excel in every season by serving the Lord, because we are assured that our union with the Lord makes our labor productive with fruit that endures.” (1 CorinthiansContinue Reading

[Please join me in praying for the Church on Sundays this year.] “As [Paul and Timothy] traveled from town to town, they delivered the decisions reached by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem for the people to obey. So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers.” (Acts 16:4-5 NIV)Continue Reading