He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.And what does the Lord require of you?To act justly and to love mercyand to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8 NIV) Now that the election is over, we must continue to pray for the nation and the Church. One setContinue Reading

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39 NIV) If you read myContinue Reading

However, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, search for me, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear their prayer from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their country. (2 Chronicles 7:14 GW) “So, what do we do on November 6?”Continue Reading

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:12 NIV) Sunday our pastor preached a “Election Day Sermon,” in the vein of Jonathan Edwards’s”Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” God has given our pastor a gifting and anointing to bring Kingdom principles to ungodly places, includingContinue Reading

Do not put your trust in princes,in human beings, who cannot save.When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;on that very day their plans come to nothing.Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob,whose hope is in the Lord their God. (Psalm 146: 3-5 NIV) Pray. Research.Continue Reading

Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. (1 Timothy 6:11 NLT) Pray. Research. Vote early, and encourage other godly people to vote. The Presidential/Vice Presidential election is forefront in every newscast. But races for federal and state legislature positions are crucial, too, as theContinue Reading

May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope, Lord, is in you. (Psalm 25:21 NIV) Although millions have already cast their ballots, the people of Jesus’s Church must continue to pray for the voting process in our nation. God of the Universe and God of our lives, We pray you would causeContinue Reading

“And Elijah came near to all the people and said, ‘How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.’ And the people did not answer him a word.” (1 Kings 18:21 ESV) Every life has choices,Continue Reading

Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous. (Psalm 112:4 NIV) This week seems dark to me. The days are shorter, and Sunday’s time change will make the nights seem to come more quickly. The upcoming civic election hangs over the nation asContinue Reading

[I found this post from September 29, 2009 that I’ve edited slightly. It is eerily applicable to today’s world.] “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – Jesus (JohnContinue Reading