God of Truth, Thank you that you are omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.  You know every animal of the forest, the cattle on a thousand hills, the birds and insects in the field, and the hairs on our heads.  You are wonderful in all your ways.  Your Word says that youContinue Reading

God of Restoration,  Thank you that your steadfast love never ceases and your mercies are new every morning.  You are our portion and we hope in you.  Thank you that even when our circumstances look as dark as night, you do not abandon us.  Even when the Israelites committed idolatryContinue Reading

Miracle-Working God, You are great and glorious, mighty in miracles!  You have done marvelous, incredible things for your people, and we surrender and bow before you in worship.  You are a great God whose Love we can never lose, no matter what troubles, pressures, persecutions and problems come to us.Continue Reading