Spirit of the Living God, Thank you for connecting your people with each other and for being the Power within our lives.  Thank you for the many saints and witnesses in the faith who have gone before us and taught us how to live the abundant life you call usContinue Reading

 Law-Giving God, Thank you that, even though my body is the lowest part of my being, Holy Spirit has chosen to live within this Temple I received from God.  I am not my own, but was bought at a price and I am called to honor you with my body.Continue Reading

Mountain-Moving God, Thank you for the call to be your children and your heirs.  What great love you have lavished upon us, Father!  You have blessed us with every spiritual blessing, giving us salvation through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as our guide.  We praise you for the gloriousContinue Reading

Forgiving God, How good it is to praise our God!  You determine the number of the stars and calls each of them by name.  Great are you, Lord, and mighty in power; your understanding has no limit.  Thank you that you build up your children – you gather the exiles, healContinue Reading

Light of the World, In this day and age we hear the truth of your Word – that darkness covers the earth and thick darkness over the peoples.  We know that your Light and Glory rise brighter than the darkness on the earth. We grieve those who cannot see your goodness –Continue Reading

I’ve just finished reading “The Message’s” version of Luke 24. In part of this chapter, two disciples on the way to Emmaus have a conversation with a (perceived) stranger who explains every prophecy of the Messiah and how Jesus fulfilled them. They didn’t realize this stranger was Jesus until theyContinue Reading

I’m waitingI’m waiting on You, LordAnd I am hopefulI’m waiting on You, LordThough it is painfulBut patiently, I will wait I will move ahead, bold and confidentTaking every step in obedienceWhile I’m waitingI will serve YouWhile I’m waitingI will worshipWhile I’m waitingI will not faintI’ll be running the raceEven whileContinue Reading