Lord God Almighty, You are righteousness, as sure as the dawning of a new day.  You are justice, as sure and strong as the noonday sun.  You are the God who takes vengeance on your enemies.  It’s obvious that you will have nothing to do with corrupt rulers who pass lawsContinue Reading

God of the Turnaround, Praise to the Lord for your glory and strength, your holiness and your majesty.  You are unchangeable, unshakable, unstoppable, God Alone.  We praise you for your Voice which is thundering, powerful, and moving upon this earth.  Thank you for the strength and peace you give toContinue Reading

Mountain-Moving God, Thank you for the call to be your children and your heirs.  What great love you have lavished upon us, Father!  You have blessed us with every spiritual blessing, giving us salvation through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as our guide.  We praise you for the gloriousContinue Reading

God of Revival, Thank you for your faithfulness, your ever-present help in time of trouble, and the reality that you never grow weary.  God, many of us are weary of the battles we’ve faced in the last year.  Even if the world wasn’t battling politically, culturally, or medically, many ofContinue Reading

Wonder-Working God,     Thank you that in all seasons you are God alone; you are on your throne and you are continually working toward the fulfillment of your plans.  We rejoice today for all you are and all that you do within us, our communities, and the greater world.  WeContinue Reading

Righteous God of Justice, Thank you for the Bible, your Word, which makes us wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.  Thank you that all Scripture is God-breathed, useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, and equipping your children for every good work.  Thank you for your patienceContinue Reading

Stronghold and Rock of our Refuge, We thank you that you created this world as good and that you have defined right and wrong.  We thank you that by the shed blood of Christ and the empowerment of Holy Spirit we can live – truly live – this abundant lifeContinue Reading