Lord God, Sometimes when we come to you in prayer we don’t know where to start – life seems to be such a tangled mess that only YOU have the ability to untangle it. So it is today in these United States.  For all the wonderful, freedom-loving, life-giving attributes ofContinue Reading

Two years ago I sensed that the season to write for this blog was over.  I have let it exist in cyberspace hoping that if someone read it they would receive comfort, encouragement, or whatever God chooses to give them.Today I am even more concerned for our nation, our freedoms,Continue Reading

I have not written a blog entry for over a month. That doesn’t mean I haven’t been praying, but I am more and more praying “in sighs too deep for words.” God is calling me to a deeper place, something I can only work out with him. So, for nowContinue Reading

This isn’t a prayer. I don’t know if this is true; I haven’t checked it on Snopes. But it’s a good story, so enjoy. Father John Powell, a professor at Loyola University in Chicago, writes about a student in his Theology of Faith class named Tommy: Some twelve years ago,Continue Reading

Last week one of our new neighbors came over to introduce herself and, in the course of the conversation, I mentioned we have four boys age five and under. Her response was one that I’ve heard from lots of people: “WOW! You have your hands full!!” Even though the phraseContinue Reading