[On Tuesdays I plan to focus the prayer on praying for our nation. Today’s prayer comes from a GiveHim15.com post from December 22, 2022.]
The Healing of Our Land
“Lord, we cry out for our nation. May the destiny You planned for her never be destroyed by demonic interference, liberal agendas, or religious institutionalism. May Your grace and mercy never be removed from us. May we lay down our differences, stand together as one voice, and pray without ceasing until heaven invades earth with an outpouring of evangelism, deliverance, and restoration. Let a spirit of conviction fall upon the lost. Let your people be a voice crying out in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord.’
“Wake up the watchmen; wake up the intercessors; wake up Your people. Raise up more intercessors in each state – not those who merely lament the problem, but who decree Your Word. We thank You for the angels who carry out words spoken by Your prayer warriors. Your Word says, ‘Bless the Lord, you His angels, You mighty ones who do His commandments, obeying the voice of His word!’ (Psalms 103:20 AMP)
“Thank You for the awakening that has begun; light is overcoming darkness and Your name is exalted over every entity that would try to raise its head above Your name. Exposure has begun and will continue because You are the light of the world. Let Your light shine in the darkness of men’s hearts. Turn the ship of America back to biblical values, back to purity and holiness, back to the altar of repentance, back to prayer in schools, back to a love for Your presence. Heal our land, Lord. We cry out to You for deliverance and the restoration of freedom found only in You. May we not experience church as usual, but supernatural gatherings that change the hearts of people and produce zeal for Your ways and purposes. This will enable us to change our society and culture.
“In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.” – Regina Shank