
From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things,
and the work of their hands brings them reward.
(Proverbs 12:14 NIV)

Providing God,

This nation was built largely by hard working men and women who toiled to care for their families and build our communities and nation. Today there are many persons who are underemployed or unemployed because of the economic conditions. And there are people whose jobs no longer are enough to support their families because of inflation. I pray you would help us to make wise choices to heal our economy so these workers can find full employment. I pray you would help them provide for their families, give them your hope and encouragement, and help the people of your Church to rise up and care for those in need.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. (Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV)

Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense. (Proverbs 12:11 NIV)

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. (Proverbs 14:23 NIV)

[Adapted from a post originally published October 13, 2012. Unfortunately, still relevant.]