Sowing-God, Thank you that your heart is to see us prosper and create a harvest that honors you.  Thank you that each of us is valuable to you!  Your Word tells us that every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined and every city or household divided against itself willContinue Reading

God says to us: “Awake, awake, O Son or Daughter!  Clothe yourself with strength!  Put on your garments of splendor.  The uncircumcised and defiled will not bother you again.  Shake off your dust.  Rise up and sit enthroned. Free yourself from the chains on your neck, Daughter.  This is whatContinue Reading

 Law-Giving God, Thank you that, even though my body is the lowest part of my being, Holy Spirit has chosen to live within this Temple I received from God.  I am not my own, but was bought at a price and I am called to honor you with my body.Continue Reading

God of Joy, Thank you that you have made a way for us to live in your Spirit-infused joy, by the atoning sacrifice of Jesus the Christ.  Thank you that the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, will cleanse our consciences from actsContinue Reading

“BLESSED” = the ultimate well-being, and distinctive spiritual joy of those who share in the salvation of the Kingdom of God. Jesus, Rabbi, Teacher, You taught your disciples/followers/learners that… I am blessed if I am poor in spirit, not spiritually proud, and self-sufficient, for I will inherit the kingdom ofContinue Reading

 Last week I came upon a post that challenged me.  I will be blogging on my personal journey through this 21-Day Intense Treatment, so these posts will look different than my “normal” prayers.  They are much more personal than communal, but if my words speak to you, please use them. Continue Reading

Shepherd King of My Soul, You are my Shepherd-King in whom I have total security and lack nothing.  I lay down in green pastures.  I’m led beside quiet waters.  My soul is refreshed by my Shepherd.  I am guided along the right paths of security and prosperity in God, bringingContinue Reading