Break the Power of the Wicked and Uphold the Righteous
Righteous God, You are our salvation and stronghold, our deliverer and refuge. Today we pray that you will break the power of the wicked around us. Destroy wrongdoers and their ideological offspring; destroy the future of sinners and the corrupt. Uphold the righteous by your merciful hand and do not forsakeContinue Reading
April 17, 2021 Prayer – Praise and Protection
Sovereign Lord, Who are we, Sovereign Lord, and what are our families, that you have brought us this far? And as if this were not enough in your sight, Sovereign Lord, you have also spoken about the future of your servants – mere humans! For the sake of your wordContinue Reading
April 15, 2021 Prayer – Mountain-Moving God
Mountain-Moving God, Your voice roars to the ends of the earth, thundering and resounding as you hold nothing back. You work in marvelous ways and do great things beyond our understanding. Our hearts are grieved because much of this world doesn’t live according to the commandments to love you andContinue Reading
April 8, 2021 – Give Him 15 Prayer for Justice
“Father, we are living in very complicated days. Truth seems far from many. Unrighteousness abounds and we are told lies on a continuous basis. We are thankful for Your Holy Spirit living in us, guiding us into all truth. “Thank you for raising up and placing men and women ofContinue Reading
April 5, 2021 Prayer – Killing Giants
Giant-killing God, You are the victor over the enemy of our souls. You are the one whose power, presence, and faithfulness remind us not to fear, for you, the Lord our God, is with us. We believe that when we know our identity as sons and daughters of the KingContinue Reading
March 19, 2021 Prayer – For Children, Education, and our Future
God of the Children and the Future, You, Lord, are our God and we love you with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength. From everlasting to everlasting, your Love is with those who fear you – who have reverential respect for you. Thank you for the promise that thoseContinue Reading
March 18, 2021 – Prayer for spouses of political figures
Father God, We praise you for your grace and the peace you give to us. You are the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, the One who gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Your voice thunders as you fight for us.Continue Reading
March 17, 2021 Prayer – For Miracles, Signs, and Wonders in our Day
God of Miracles, We give thanks to our Lord and call upon your name. We sing praise to you for all your deeds and wonders, for all your glory, and for your strength. We seek your face continually, longing to be in your presence. We remember with gratitude your marvelousContinue Reading
March 16, 2021 Prayer – Comfort and Provision for those who grieve
Comforting God, Praise be to the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion who comforts us in all our troubles. Thank you that Holy Spirit is our Comforter. Thank you that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from you. Today we pray forContinue Reading
March 15, 2021 Prayer – For Businesses
Jehovah Jireh, Thank you for all you do to provide abundantly for us. Thank you for our many gifts, talents, opportunities, and our work ethics, creativity, and health so that we can do all we do to your glory. Today we pray for struggling businesses, their owners, and their employees.Continue Reading