February 19, 2021 Prayer – Mountain-Moving
Mountain-Moving God, Thank you for the call to be your children and your heirs. What great love you have lavished upon us, Father! You have blessed us with every spiritual blessing, giving us salvation through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as our guide. We praise you for the gloriousContinue Reading
February 18, 2021 Prayer – Praying for Pastors
Shepherding God, Thank you that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord. Thank you that you are theContinue Reading
February 17, 2021 Prayer – Ash Wednesday
Forgiving God, How good it is to praise our God! You determine the number of the stars and calls each of them by name. Great are you, Lord, and mighty in power; your understanding has no limit. Thank you that you build up your children – you gather the exiles, healContinue Reading
February 16, 2021 Prayer – Wisdom, Revelation, Light
God of Creativity and Consistency, Thank you that you are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Thank you for your creative works in our world and our lives and for the consistency with which you approach your children. Your heart longs for all to know your love and be savedContinue Reading
February 15, 2021 Prayer – Communicating Good News, Thwarting Evil in Communication, Awakening
Word of God, We join with the psalmist in proclaiming that, from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, your name is to be praised. We praise you for the gift of abundant life you offer us when we put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ asContinue Reading
February 14, 2021 Prayer – Turning the ungodly and blocking the evil resources in government
Righteous and Merciful God, Today we pray for the ungodly who hold positions of influence and authority and power in our local, county, and state governments. No matter what political persuasion or what position, pour out your Power on and around each and every one of them. We pray inContinue Reading
February 13, 2021 Prayer – Righteous state civic officials
Righteous God, Today we pray for the godly men and women you have bought into political office in this state. We pray that your children who are serving their constituents on township, school, or county boards, and those in the state legislature and state-wide offices would be only guided byContinue Reading
February 12, 2021 Prayer – Word, Silence, Melodies, Speaking, Ears to Hear God’s Voice
Word of Life, Thank you for your Word in the Bible and through Jesus Christ so that we can know you and your ways. Thank you that you have given us sound minds, moldable spirits, and great freedom as individuals; help us to use these things well. When we areContinue Reading
February 11, 2021 Prayer – Shelter in the storm
Lord God Almighty, Thank you for your power and glory, your mercy and grace, your light, life and love that you pour out on your people. Thank you for the invitation to be your children, held in your hands and sheltered in the shadow of your wings. Bring us intoContinue Reading
February 10, 2021 Prayer – Healing and revival in our children
Father God, We sing praise to your name and extol you, whose name is the Lord. You are a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows; you are always reigning from your holy dwelling. You love all your children, but have a special place in your heart for theContinue Reading