Lord of Hosts, Holy God to whom all praise is due, we are in awe of your greatness, your holiness, your justice and your grace and mercy.  Thank you, God, for the ways in which you are bringing into the Light the darkness, corruption, and wickedness that has been hiddenContinue Reading

Wonder-Working God,     Thank you that in all seasons you are God alone; you are on your throne and you are continually working toward the fulfillment of your plans.  We rejoice today for all you are and all that you do within us, our communities, and the greater world.  WeContinue Reading

 “Lord, I come into agreement with Your Word and what You are doing in my life right now, to raise up a standard against the enemy’s plans where he has been trying to take me out. I rebuke the devourer, the accuser, and render every assignment of assassination void and uselessContinue Reading

Beauty-Making God, Thank you, Jesus, for the invitation you have extended to each of us to follow you.  Thank you that we can know you as Lord and Savior and serve in your Kingdom.  Your Love, Kindness, and Faithfulness have caused Holy Spirit to drawn us into relationship with youContinue Reading

Creating God, Thank you for the new day you have given us.  Thank you that your great love, your compassions, and your faithfulness are new every morning.  Thank you for your invitation to seek you and wait quietly for you, our Lord.  Thank you that even when we cannot seeContinue Reading

Lord Almighty, Thank you that your Love is sincere and active and you call us to love in the same way.  Thank you that you do not judge us in the ways the world does, but you judge according to your Truth and what is in our hearts.  Thank youContinue Reading

Righteous God of Justice, Thank you for the Bible, your Word, which makes us wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.  Thank you that all Scripture is God-breathed, useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, and equipping your children for every good work.  Thank you for your patienceContinue Reading

God of Glory, Thank you for your power and glory that you have exhibited on this earth, especially in the life of Jesus Christ and in the ongoing work of Holy Spirit.  Thank you that your Glory is upon your children and that you hear our prayers.  God, we see thatContinue Reading