Good Shepherd, Thank you that you are our Yahweh, our King, robed in power and strength.  Your majesty and glory reign over all the earth; your voice thunders in brilliance!  Thank you that you are the Good Shepherd and the Gateway for us, your flock.  We know that when weContinue Reading

Reigning God,Thank you for being our King of Glory – our Lord Almighty.  You are the God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow and nothing surprises you.  We do not know what the future holds, but we do know that we are in a VERY unique moment of history.  While someContinue Reading

Timeless God, We praise you who are the same yesterday, today, and forever.  We thank you that your love never fails and your compassions are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.  Thank you that in the midst of this time and season we live in, your Word gives usContinue Reading

Most High God, Revealer of Mysteries, Thank you for being the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Thank you that you have established your laws, your covenants, and your grace to show us what is righteousness and to save us from our sin.  Thank you for the deep wisdom andContinue Reading

Light of the World, In this day and age we hear the truth of your Word – that darkness covers the earth and thick darkness over the peoples.  We know that your Light and Glory rise brighter than the darkness on the earth. We grieve those who cannot see your goodness –Continue Reading

Stronghold and Rock of our Refuge, We thank you that you created this world as good and that you have defined right and wrong.  We thank you that by the shed blood of Christ and the empowerment of Holy Spirit we can live – truly live – this abundant lifeContinue Reading

Praying Christ,  Thank you, Lord Jesus, for praying for those who are your children. Thank you for making intercession for us, especially in light of the crazy changes, violence, evil, and very real threats in this world. In this day and place there are many fierce enemies of your children; guard ourContinue Reading