Almighty and Most High God, We thank you and praise you that, when we dwell in you, our shelter, we can trust you for refuge and fortress.  We thank you that you cover your people with your guarding feathers and that under your wings we find refuge.  We need notContinue Reading

Sovereign Lord,  You are great, with limitless strength.  We’ll never comprehend all that you know and do, but we know that you heal the heartbroken and bandage their wounds.  Today we pray for all those who have been enslaved by the spirit of sex trafficking and abuse.  In the name ofContinue Reading

Emmanuel, God with Us, Thank you for all the many ways in which you reveal yourself to us.  Thank you that you, the Word, became flesh and dwelt among us, and that you, the Holy Spirit, have come to live in believers.  Thank you that on this Epiphany we canContinue Reading

Consistent God,  Thank you that you endure as long as the sun and moon, throughout all generations, and that your consistency gives us what we need to survive and thrive.  Thank you for knowing the beginning from the end of our circumstances.  Thank you for laughing at the evil forces who mockContinue Reading