January 1, 2021 Prayer – Faithful God’s Will Be Done
Faithful God, Thank you for the faith you have placed within each of us when we know you as Lord and Savior. Thank you for Holy Spirit whose witness within us guides us to all righteousness, when we have spiritual ears to listen and soft hearts to follow. Thank youContinue Reading
December 31, 2020 Prayer – Walking Forward into 2021
God of Hope, Thank you that your steadfast love never ceases and your mercies never come to an end. Thank you that you are our hope, our portion, and our salvation. For many of us here on earth this has been quite the year. Challenging circumstances may have mixed withContinue Reading
December 30, 2020 Prayer – The Power of the Wicked Will Be Broken/Psalm 37
God, We will rejoice and be glad in your steadfast love, because you have seen our circumstances; you have known the distress of this year, and you have not delivered your people into the hand of the enemy. You have set our feet in a broad place of security inContinue Reading
December 29, 2020 Prayer – Justice and Righteousness
God of Justice, Truth, and Power, Thank you that you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, our God of Justice and Righteousness. Thank you that your Love, Grace, and Mercy for this world and her inhabitants include a call to your Holiness. Thank you that your Holiness andContinue Reading
December 28, 2020 Prayer – Pause/Psalm 37
God , As we walk through this week between 2020 and 2021, we thank you for your faithfulness in this year. We thank you that “though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet,” and that your mercies are new every morning – and new every year. Continue Reading
December 27, 2020 Prayer – Prevailing God
Omnipotent God, Thank you for your consistency in who you are and how you move in our world. Thank you that you are the Lion of Judah, the one whose Voice roars and thunders, and we recognize your Glory and Peace. Thank you that you are not dead, or asleep;Continue Reading
December 26, 2020 Prayer – Shepherds
Shepherding God, We thank you and praise you for the ways in which you reach out to the marginalized and outcasts in our world. We are reminded that you announced the birth of the Son to the marginalized shepherds 2000+ years ago and you continue, by your Spirit and byContinue Reading
December 25, 2020 Prayer – Good News of Great Joy
Joyful God, How your world needs a huge infusion of JOY right now! The darkness of 2020 has been so severe – so much pain, hurting, chaos, upheaval, and angst. But you are the same yesterday, today, and forever; you never change and you always call us into your armsContinue Reading
Christmas Eve 2020 Prayer – Light
“Jesus, on this Christmas eve we worship You, Savior of the whole earth and Light of the world. We extol Your holy Name. There is no other name more beautiful and no other name by which men may be saved. Father, we are grateful that You sent Your son toContinue Reading
December 24, 2020 – Prayer for Fathers
Father God, As we look toward the celebration of Christmas, we remember the important role that Joseph played in fathering Jesus. We thank you for Joseph’s heart of love and obedience to listen to the voice of the Lord as he protected and provided for Mary and Jesus. Today we prayContinue Reading