December 4, 2020 Prayer – Justice in the Judicial
God, We thank you that you are a God of Justice who knows all, sees all, and weighs it on your scales of justice. We thank you for your Word which teaches us how to interact with each other. And we pray your Spirit’s guidance would be on every lawyer,Continue Reading
December 3, 2020 Prayer – 20/20 Vision
Timeless God, Thank you for being the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow – the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. Thank you that the chaos of 2020 did not catch you by surprise; you have been faithful to your children through the midst of great upheaval andContinue Reading
December 2, 2020 Prayer – Prayer for Love
Lord, sometimes our hearts become hardened. We struggle to love people the way you love them. Maybe we only love those that think and act the way we do. Help us love people the way you love them. Help us to love enough we’d be willing to lay down ourContinue Reading
December 1, 2020 – Prayer for the Weary
Upholding and Encouraging God, Today we pray for those who are weary of the battle. Sometimes in our own lives, we face battles in relationships, finances, health, decision-making, and a host of other things. Give us strength when we feel we cannot go on. We ask for strength for exhaustedContinue Reading
November 30, 2020 Prayer – Perfect Timing for Truth
God of Perfect Timing, We thank you that you are I AM, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Your faithfulness doesn’t change and your Love and Truth endure forever. We thank you that the plans for our lives and for this nation have been designed and set in motionContinue Reading
November 29, 2020 Prayer – Arrogance vs. Justice
God of Justice, Surely, Lord, you are good to your people, to those who are pure in heart. Remind us of that – remind us that you hold us and guide us by your counsel – when we see the arrogance and the prosperity of the wicked. They seem toContinue Reading
November 28, 2020 Prayer – Rescued from the River of Fear
God of Perfect Love, Thank you that you are faithful to us – you never leave or forsake us and you are our deliverer in times of trial. Thank you that you have not given us timidity, but power, love and self-discipline. Thank you that, just as in the BibleContinue Reading
November 27, 2020 Prayer – Anchor of Hope
God of Hope, Thank you that you have given us a future with hope and that you are the anchor for our souls. In this challenging season, many people are looking for hope because life can be difficult, at times even feel brutal. A pandemic has stolen jobs and destroyed theContinue Reading
November 26, 2020 Prayer – Legacy and Light
Guiding God, Among the Europeans who settled North America were several groups of deeply committed Christians who sought freedom from religious persecution. You gave them vision, resources, and courage to leave Old Europe and come to a new continent, filled with opportunities and dangers, in order to live out theContinue Reading
November 25, 2020 Prayer – God of the New
God of New Life, You are the same yesterday, today, and forever; yet you call us to sing a new song and to watch for the new things that you do. In the midst of living real life it can be hard to see what you may be doing. WhenContinue Reading