November 23, 2020 – Avenging Corruption
Avenging God, We pray your justice would be poured out on this nation’s darkness, corruption, and evil. We pray you would bring into your Light all corruption, fraud and lies that go against your plan for this nation. Regardless of what political party, what media organization, what race or class,Continue Reading
November 22, 2020 Prayer – Praying for Pastors
Shepherding God, Today we pray for the pastors of your Church – for those men and women you have entrusted to lead congregations of your followers. We pray that you would give them a deep hunger for You – your righteousness, your justice, and your love. We pray they wouldContinue Reading
November 21, 2020 Prayer – For Children Everywhere
God, Thank you for all the beautiful and amazing children you create. Today we pray that your protection and blessing would be upon all children. We pray you would help us to help them grow in wisdom, stature, and the favor of the Lord. We pray your Word would beContinue Reading
Prayer for November 20, 2020 – Prayer for the Caregivers
God of the Caregivers, Today we remember and lift up those among us who care for others. Just as Jochebed cared for baby Moses, Ruth cared for her mother-in-law Naomi, Mary cared for the infant Jesus, and John cared for Mary, we thank you that we have many models ofContinue Reading
November 19, 2020 Prayer – Trusting Eyes on God
Trustworthy God, Thank you for your faithfulness, your goodness, and your loving-kindness to us, your children. Thank you that we don’t need to fear because you know us and have called us into relationship with you. Thank you for providing ways through hard things, even when we see no way. Continue Reading
November 18, 2020 Prayer – Thundering Still, Small Voice
Thundering God of Quiet, Thank you for your Voice that speaks to us in the midst of what can seem like chaos. Thank you that your Voice is powerful and majestic, thundering over the mighty waters of this life, guiding us in the ways we should go. Thank youContinue Reading
November 17, 2020 Prayer – Righteousness and Rulers
Righteous and Just God, We pray for a returning to you and your Righteousness in this nation, and especially in her government. You have spoken about our rebellion and sin against you; we know our collective guilt is great as we have turned our backs on you. Our nation isContinue Reading
November 16, 2020 Prayer – Hope
God of Hope, This day we praise you for the hope we have in Jesus Christ. Thank you for our eternity that is secure in you. Thank you for your Word that gives us hope in the times and places that seem dark, dreary, and even hopeless. Pour out yourContinue Reading
November 15, 2020 Prayer – Just Law System
God of Righteousness, Today we pray for those in the legal profession who are entrusted with the system of justice in our nation. We pray that they may be trustworthy, accurate in analysis, correct in conclusion, able in argument, loyal to clients, honest with all, courteous to adversaries, and ever attentiveContinue Reading
November 14, 2020 Prayer – God Laughs at the Nations
God of the Nations, Thank you for your sovereignty over this nation and the world. Even when we don’t see it, we know you are working things out for our good. Thank you for laughing at those in earthly power who scheme to cast off your sovereignty. Pour out yourContinue Reading