God, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, Right now it seems that many things in our world are untrustworthy.  Our society used to trust in media to inform us, education to enlighten us, government to protect us, the family to support us, and the Church to guide us towardContinue Reading

Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient God, We thank you and praise you for who you are and how you orchestrate the workings of this world.  We thank you that you have a plan for our futures – both for individuals and for this nation – like a master chess player whoContinue Reading

 Jehovah Jireh, Our Provider, Today we give thanks for those who have gone before us and have fought for us.   We thank you for mothers who bravely gave birth to us, parents and grandparents who lovingly raised us, teachers who carefully guided us, and others who generously stewarded us asContinue Reading

 God, With our mouths we join in one spirit to greatly extol you, to give you praise, glory, and honor.  Among the great throng of worshipers we praise you, the Mighty Warrior who is with us and who saves us.  We confidently join together in faith knowing that you haveContinue Reading

 Thank you, God, for small, often unnoticed things.  Thank you, God, for chocolate chip cookies whose deliciousness does not change (no matter what the food shamers say). Thank you, God, for cars that start, lights that turn on, and toilets that flush (almost) every time. Thank you, God, for beautifulContinue Reading

 Strong God,  We humbly ask that in the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, and Nevada, you please silence every lying tongue and convict the hearts of those who devise wicked plans intended to invalidate and nullify the expressed will of the voters. Stop those whoContinue Reading

God of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, We thank and praise you that you have written every one of our days and you know the outcome of every tough situation we encounter.  We thank you that you have already determined the outcomes of these elections.  We thank you that you haveContinue Reading

 Radically Powerful God, I pray that evil in government and in culture would be revealed to the point that it cannot be masked any longer. May any blinders we wear be broken so that we can see and recognize evil and turn from it. And may truth, justice, and righteousnessContinue Reading

Praying Friends: Are you feeling a little down and discouraged today?  Feeling like you’ve been battling in prayer for months and now the voting is done but the elections are not settled and you are discouraged?  Or feel like you’re disappointed in the results of one race or another?  OrContinue Reading