October 16, 2020 Prayer
God, We pray today that you would help our nation be united. Many, many people are using the current cultural, economic, and political climate to divide this country. Her people are divided into focus groups and target demographics instead of understood and appreciated for the strengths and varieties they bringContinue Reading
October 15, 2020 Prayer
God of Light, We thank you for your illuminating power in our lives and in our government. We know that now is the time you are searching out, tearing down, and killing the spiritual forces of evil which seek to undermine and attack good governance. And we thank you thatContinue Reading
October 14, 2020 Prayer
Timeless God, Thank you for being the same yesterday, today, and forever. Thank you for your timeless words of wisdom to us, your People in your Church. Holy Spirit, guide us into your Truth and help us to know what is Truth in this world. Help us to remember thatContinue Reading
October 13, 2020 Prayer
God of Hope, Lift up our hearts when we are bombarded by news of economic woe, national/international strife, hurting people, impending weather catastrophes, and other worries. Help us to not be discouraged when the ways of the world seem so strong and dark. Fill us with all joy and hopeContinue Reading
October 12, 2020 Prayer
Omnipotent God, In these last weeks before the Nov. 3 elections there are many people voting early. I pray that every legal vote is counted fairly, tallied correctly, and then recorded accurately. I pray in the name of Jesus that you would thwart anyone who plans to dishonor the legalContinue Reading
October 11, 2020 Prayer
Unifying God, This world is a mess. Nations fight against nations, people against people, brothers against brothers. There truly is nothing new under the sun. But you hold your children to a different vision – to see your Kingdom come and your Will be done. You prayed that yourContinue Reading
October 10, 2020 Prayer
Protecting God, We pray today for political candidates at every level. First, we pray they would be godly men and women who are seekers after your heart and for whom you are their refuge and their dwelling. But we pray that as they travel and campaign, your angel armies’ protectionContinue Reading
October 9, 2020 Prayer
Word of God, You spoke and the universe was created; your Word became incarnate for our salvation; your Word is still alive and a two edged sword. But in this time and our nation words are used to hurt and to intimidate, not to build up or to genuinely discuss. Continue Reading
Prayer for the economy
Jehovah Jireh, Our Provider, Today we pray for the economy – of our world and our nation. We pray that policy-makers would make wise decisions that honor your Word. We pray that work and businesses would be honored and encouraged. We pray that you would help us repay ourContinue Reading
October 7, 2020 Prayer
God of Wisdom, We sing of your strength and love, for you are our fortress our refuge in times of trouble. Tonight the two main vice-presidential candidates will face off in a debate. I pray that you would help each of them to give concise, clear, and truthful answers toContinue Reading