October 6, 2020 Prayer
Holy God, We know the weight of importance of this election, and we know that each vote is a piece of the final result. So, we pray that each legal voter who desires to cast a vote would be able to access a ballot, whether by absentee or in person.Continue Reading
October 5, 2020 Prayer
Loving God,You have always chosen humans to whom you reveal yourself. Some like Abraham, Moses, and David had huge national responsibilities to carry out. Others like Ruth and Samuel walked in faith in smaller, more local ways. Your hand upon them and so many others steered your people fromContinue Reading
October 4, 2020 Prayer
God of Peace, We thank you that your name is a fortified tower and that your righteous children can run to you and be saved. We thank you for the call on our lives to pray for those in authority and so today we pray for President and Mrs.Continue Reading
October 3, 2020 Prayer
God of Order, One month from today is election day in the U.S. With everything going on, we citizens expect the next 31 days to be tumultuous, at best, but with potential for a physical civil war. Passions and tempers are running hot and distrust and anger abound. CourtsContinue Reading
October 2, 2020 Prayer
Holy God,We pray today that by your Spirit you would move across this nation and this world. Change hard hearts to hearts that are focused on you. Where we have turned away from you, call us back. Give us the desire to humble ourselves before you, confess and repentContinue Reading
October 1, 2020 Prayer
Light of the World,Lord, you are our God; we exalt you and praise your name. In perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things planned in your wisdom long ago. We see the contrast between your perfect and loving plans and this bent and broken world in which there is muchContinue Reading
September 30, 2020
Renewing and Protecting God, Today we pray for your Church – specifically that she would be protected from the evils of this world and from further division within her. Because she is in you, your true Church can’t be understood by this world because darkness can’t understand Light. Protect yourContinue Reading
September 29, 2020
God, our Fortress, As the candidates for political office travel, I pray your protection around them. Guard their vehicles, their travel, their health. Give wisdom to the men and women who serve to protect them. As candidates are away from their loved ones or busy on the campaign trail, holdContinue Reading
September 28, 2020 Prayer
God of Clarity, Thank you for being our God who rules over the surging seas in our individual lives and in our life together in this nation. Thank you for stilling the waves that rise up in an attempt to drown us; we know that when we go through theContinue Reading
September 27, 2020 Prayer
Forgiving God, We come to you today praying that you would pour out your Holy Spirit upon this nation. Give us a deep immersion in your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control so that we may act like you act. Help us to forgive those aroundContinue Reading