God, Thank you for speaking the world into being at Creation and for guiding its people with your Word and your Spirit since that time.  We know there is power of life and death in the tongue, and we thank you for the Life you pour into us when weContinue Reading

 Sovereign God, Our state and nation cries out in pain, grief, anxiety, and worry; and we agree with President Lincoln’s words: “it is fit and becoming in all people, at all times, to acknowledge and revere the Supreme Government of God,” and “that the fear of the Lord is the beginningContinue Reading

Jehovah Nissi, the Lord our Banner, This beautiful world you created seems so full of anger, fear, strife, violence, and death.  On one level, we know that this is because sin entered the world and the author of death is roaming to and fro over the earth, seeking for thoseContinue Reading

God of Light, Today we come to you to pray and intercede for righteousness in the voting processes in every jurisdiction in this nation.  We pray for a voting process that is completely free from any and all corruption.  We pray that each legal voter would be able to obtain and cast aContinue Reading

Jehovah Shalom, God of Peace,  We pray for your comfort and peace to be upon the family and those that grieve the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg – that your peace that passes understanding would guard their hearts, minds, and spirits in Christ Jesus.  We thank you for the example ofContinue Reading

Redeemer and Restorer, We thank you that you guard and guide the people who seek your will and your ways.  We thank you that you were with us during the months in which our country has been partly shut down.  We thank you that you have used this time ofContinue Reading

May You be gracious to us and bless us; make your face to shine on us so that your ways may be known on earth and your salvation among all nations.  May all the peoples praise you and may the nations be glad and sing for joy.  You rule theContinue Reading

We shout for joy to God!  We sing the glory of your name and make your praise glorious!  How awesome are your deeds!  How great is your power; you enemies cringe before you.  All the earth bows down to you and sing the praises of your name. You have doneContinue Reading