Psalm 55 Prayer
Jehovah Shalom, God of Peace, Sometimes it seems you ignore our prayers and pleas and do not hear our troubles. Our hearts may be in anguish and terrified with horror. We long to escape the troubles and trials of this world and hurry to a place of shelter in theContinue Reading
Psalm 54 Prayer
Victorious God, Save this nation, O God, by your name. Hear our prayer and listen to the words of our mouths. Arrogant foes are attacking her, ruthless people are trying to kill her, tear down the time-honored and God-based Truth and Justice, and impose their version of “truth” and “justice.” But youContinue Reading
Psalm 53 Prayer
You are God alone, who looks down from heaven on all mankind searching for those who seek you and your Kingdom first. Today we pray for those fools who believe there is no God; we pray they would come to know the One, True God. We pray against theContinue Reading
Psalm 52 Prayer
Jesus, you said you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. You said you are the Light of Life and that when we follow you we will not walk in darkness, but have the Light of Life. We thank you for this Abundant Life you give to your followers andContinue Reading
Psalm 51 Prayer
Holy God to whom all praise is due, We are so grateful for your mercy and grace offered to this world. Thank you for the gift of Jesus to us – our redeemer and salvation. Thank you for the Holy Spirit that lives within us and guides us to allContinue Reading
Psalm 50 Prayer
Mighty One, God, the Lord, speak and summon your people, your Church to a place of consecration. You will not be silent; a fire is around you; a tempest rages. The heavens proclaim your righteousness, for you are a God of justice. May your Church confess its sins and sacrificeContinue Reading
Psalm 49 Prayer
Jesus, you have always been focused on bringing your people into the fullness of your love and giving them the Abundant Life. Thank you for your work on the Cross to rescue and redeem the world. We know that as humans we become tangled in the things of this worldContinue Reading
Psalm 48 Prayer
Great are you, Lord, and most worthy of praise. You are our fortress. When the forces of this world – hatred, bitterness, fear, anxiety, envy, greed, anger, division, destruction – try to come against your people and your Church and we cry out to you, you destroy them like shipsContinue Reading
Psalm 47 Prayer
On on this beautiful day that You have created, we join with all creatures on the earth in praise to you, our Lord Most High. You are awesome, a great King over all the earth. We claim the promise that you will subdue evil in this world and will continueContinue Reading
Psalm 46 Prayer
God, Our Fortress, You are our refuge and strength, and ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth gives way to violence, destruction, and death or the mountains of security and peace fall into the heart of the sea. Though the waters of fear, anger, andContinue Reading