Protecting God,You offer us joy in your presence as you lead us in the path of Life.  Thank you that when we trust you our lives are safe because you will not abandon us.  Thank you for all the blessings you pour into our lives and for the beauty andContinue Reading

Holy God,We cry out to you for mercy for the ways we have sinned.  Our nation has sinned against First Peoples, African slaves, and other people groups in ways that do not recognize them as created in your image, precious and loved.  Forgive us as a nation for these sins.Continue Reading

God,In this world it seems there are many who refuse you – who say, “There is no God.”  The power of darkness and evil seems to strong; so many are corrupt and evildoers.  From our perspective it seems that there are more that have turned away from you than thoseContinue Reading

Still EnoughHave you ever been still enough to hear the buzz of a majestic hummingbird’s wings? Have you ever been still enough to watch a cotton ball cloud drift?Have you ever been still enough to wonder where the butterfly spent the winter?Have you ever been still enough to smell the breeze’sContinue Reading

Most High God, The circumstances of this day look very dark, as if you have largely hidden your face from your people and the enemy triumphs over us.  We ask you to give light to our eyes so we can see how you have planned to further your Kingdom throughContinue Reading

God of Power and Might, We thank you that no matter our circumstances, you are in control of this world.  We know that you hear the cries of the oppressed and that your Church is called to minister to the hungry, homeless, brokenhearted, and needy.  Today we pray against thoseContinue Reading

God of Power and Might, We thank you for being the God in whom we can take refuge, the one who is in your holy temple – the hearts of your children.  Thank you for being in control of all circumstances and being the God who works all things outContinue Reading

Why, Lord, do you seem to stand far off?  Why do you seem hide yourself when the wicked seem to be prevailing? The arrogant and wicked hunt down the weak, who are caught in the schemes the wicked devise. The wicked boast about the cravings of their hearts and blessContinue Reading

I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;     I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you;     I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High. My enemies turn back; they stumble and perish before you. The LordContinue Reading

Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. Creator and Creating God, we thank you for the beauty and glory in Creation.  Thank you for the marvelous, intricate, and amazing creatures and worlds you have made.  Thank youContinue Reading