Gracious God, You have called us to be Salt and Light to this world. Forgive us when we hide our lights or don’t act in a ‘salt’ manner in the world. Forgive our inaction when we could have been praying for our nation, engaged in training up civic leaders, voting,Continue Reading
Loving God,You have always chosen humans to whom you reveal yourself. Some like Abraham, Moses, and David had huge national responsibilities to carry out. Others like Ruth and Samuel walked in faith in smaller, more local ways. Your hand upon them and so many others steered your people from theContinue Reading
Pray. Research. Pray. Vote. All-Wise God,You said that if we are in need of wisdom we should ask for it. Tomorrow I pray you will pour out your wisdom on the electorate as we watch this first debate. I pray each of the candidates would give honest answers that fairlyContinue Reading
Pray. Research. Pray. Vote. Jesus,You came to demonstrate God’s love for everyone. You commissioned your Church to carry on your ministry of reaching the lost, healing the broken, feeding the hungry, clothing the poor and caring for widows and orphans. Yet, we your Church have largely ceded that responsibility toContinue Reading
Pray. Research. Pray. Vote. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. (Romans 8:27 NIV) Omnipotent God, Search our hearts and minds and intercede for your people in this nation. Teach usContinue Reading
Pray. Research. Pray. Vote. God, Your Word tells us that you have searched us and known us, that you perceive our thoughts from afar. You know every word on our tongues before it is said. God, forgive our words, thoughts, and deeds that seek to divide and to harm. HelpContinue Reading
Lord God, Sometimes when we come to you in prayer we don’t know where to start – life seems to be such a tangled mess that only YOU have the ability to untangle it. So it is today in these United States. For all the wonderful, freedom-loving, life-giving attributes ofContinue Reading
Two years ago I sensed that the season to write for this blog was over. I have let it exist in cyberspace hoping that if someone read it they would receive comfort, encouragement, or whatever God chooses to give them.Today I am even more concerned for our nation, our freedoms,Continue Reading
I have not written a blog entry for over a month. That doesn’t mean I haven’t been praying, but I am more and more praying “in sighs too deep for words.” God is calling me to a deeper place, something I can only work out with him. So, for nowContinue Reading
O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago. In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the LORD,Continue Reading