I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (1 Timothy 2:1-2 NIV)
Dear Mountain Moving Friends,
After I completed this morning’s blog post, I found an article urging us to pray for TRUTH to be heard in the Presidential Debate tonight. Would you please join me, the GiveHim15 community, and the Intercessors for America community in praying these things?
Prayer 1: Pray that the hidden things would be revealed.
Prayer 2: Ask the Lord to destroy the unholy unity of any liars that band together to conceal things from the American public.
Prayer 3: Pray that the Lord would surround the truthful with favor as with a shield.
Prayer 4: Pray that the Lord would set any liars against one another in confusion, such that both their supporters and their strategies would self-destruct and flee.
Prayer 5: Ask God to increase the truthful in strength, and to confound all those who side with lies.
Prayer 6: Pray that all candidates would speak as the oracles of God.
Prayer 7: Ask God to give every candidate the tongue of the learned, and that He would awaken their ears to hear His voice.
Prayer 8: Pray that there would be no twisting of words; that nothing would be misconstrued or misreported.
Abba Father, please reveal the Spirit of Jesus in the Presidential debates this year. Let truth come forth! Let every hidden thing be revealed, we ask, in Jesus’ name.
For scripture references and further explanations, I encourage you to click on either or both of the links below. The call to prayer today is strong!!