[On Tuesdays I plan to focus the prayer on praying for our nation. Today’s prayer comes from a GiveHim15.com post from December 21, 2022.]
Let the Lion of Judah Roar!
“Lord, several months ago You showed me a vision of Jesus Christ as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, standing off the eastern seaboard of the United States. As He began to release His roar over the nation, it was a roar of ownership and dominion, as if to say, “this land belongs to me.” As He roared, first the land began to shake from New York City all the way down to DC. Then the reverberations of His roar began to shake to the north, up into the New England states, to the south, all the way to Key West, the tip of Florida, then throughout the nation all the way out to the west coast, shaking California, Washington and Oregon. Even Alaska and Hawaii were being shaken by Your roar. The shaking was the prelude to a Great Awakening.
“You then showed me the shaking was being used to strip a dark cloud or covering off the nation, exposing corruption at the very root. Eyes were being opened all across the land, in the church and in the culture. Suddenly, I saw politicians and media figures unable to continue telling their lies; they were exposing the truth of all that had been taking place in secret. At the same time I saw congregations of people with their hands lifted in worship, whose mouths suddenly became as the mouths of lions, roaring out praise and decrees that were opening the heavens and causing new light to shine upon our nation. A new dominion and authority was coming to the ekklesia. Our voices were being released to roar with You.
“In Joel 3:16, Your word declares, “The Lord shall roar from Zion (His people) and utter His voice from before Jerusalem. The heavens and earth will shake but the Lord will be a shelter for His people and the strength of Israel.” Lord, we cry out for You to release Your roar over the United States of America. We ask that You would roar over our nation, shaking us down to the foundations of righteousness and justice, making us a place where You can establish Your throne of favor once again. We cry out that You would roar against wickedness and corruption, against injustice and the spirit of lawlessness. We cry out to You that you would release your roar of dominion, shaking principalities and powers, exposing strongholds and illegitimate demonic networks holding lies and chaos in place, toppling every Baal structure that has led us astray.
“We cry out that You would shake and awaken your Ekklesia to arise with a roar in our mouths: a roar of new authority, a roar for revival, a roar for boldness and truth. Forgive us for apathy and complacency, for playing church while our nation is being destroyed. Forgive us for being bound by religious mindsets that resist revival. Forgive us for refusing to hear Your voice, Your roar, for it Your voice that shatters the enemy (Isaiah 30:31). Awaken us to hear Your Voice. Awaken us to BE Your Voice in our nation. Give us hearts of a lion and send revival to America again. In Jesus’ mighty name we pray! Amen.” – Jane Hamon