I pray this strong message of encouragement will resonate with your spirit. “Woke up this morning and I wanted to tell you STAY THE COURSE and continue to fight the Good fight of faith! Don’t give up! Keep pressing towards the mark , the goal! FIX YOUR EYES ON JESUSContinue Reading

[Please join me in praying for young generations and families on Thursdays this year.] This weekend our church is hosting a conference for teens and early-20’s young adults around the theme of being pure. In today’s society “purity” may seem like an old-fashioned concept, but keeping yourself clean from theContinue Reading

I have two dear friends who are struggling with debilitating pain in their physical bodies. After months and months of agony, one has had a shot that relieved the pain and the other is scheduled for surgery next week. In the meantime, they have suffered. I have prayed for aContinue Reading

‘ “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT) “Prosper” – to succeed in an enterprise or activity (especially economic), to become strong and flourishing, to thriveContinue Reading

“So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose.” (Romans 8:28 TPT) Have you noticed that there is a certain process to most things? To take gardening, for example,Continue Reading

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.  Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.  In him was life, and that life was the light ofContinue Reading