(We have been working our way through the Christmas Story in Luke 1-2 and Matthew 1. Mary and Joseph have been visited by angels, endured very challenging circumstances, and finally watched the birth of the God of the Universe in a shelter for animals, before being sent to Egypt toContinue Reading

(We continue our look at the Christmas Story in Luke 2. Yesterday, we focused on Joseph’s response to Gabriel’s announcement that he was supposed to take Mary for his wife, even though she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit.) Let’s go back to Joseph.  Joseph could have chosen to doubtContinue Reading

(We have been working our way through the Christmas Story in Luke 1-2 and Matthew 1. Mary and Joseph have been visited by angels, endured very challenging circumstances, and finally watched the birth of the God of the Universe in a shelter for animals, before being sent to Egypt toContinue Reading

(We continue our look at the Christmas Story in Luke 2. Yesterday, we focused on Joseph’s response to Gabriel’s announcement that he was supposed to take Mary for his wife, even though she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit.) Let’s go back to Joseph.  Joseph could have chosen to doubtContinue Reading