Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. (Matthew 5:6 NIV) I’ve been thinking for a few weeks that I want to vote for people who are competent.* I don’t care whether or not they have a “y” chromosome. I don’t care how dark orContinue Reading

A person may have many ideas concerning God’s plan for his life, but only the designs of God’s purpose will succeed in the end. (Proverbs 19:21 TPT) You keep every promise you’ve ever made to me! Since your love for me is constant and endless, I ask you, Lord, toContinue Reading

So above all, constantly seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness, then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly. (Matthew 6:33 TPT) Give me delight when I walk in your ways. My passion is to remain true to the I AM. My roots are planted by yourContinue Reading

“Not to us, Lord, not to us    but to your name be the glory,    because of your love and faithfulness.” (Psalm 115:1 NIV) God, As I write this I am looking forward to next week and the 5th-12th grade arts day camp I direct. I am so grateful that you downloaded the ideaContinue Reading

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit we give you thanks for this good day and this new year. We thank you for everyday things like each breath we take, the food you provide, warm homes, friendship, love, and so much more. We thank youContinue Reading